Vital Correlation is the culmination of cultivated unison, derived by the revered acquaintance of an extravagant soul. You know what I mean? Neither do I 😂

Yep. It's that time again. I'm just standing still.
I feel like someone in a train station, hoping for a train to come, to take me to my destination. The problem is, I've been waiting for too long and everyone I know hopped on. Most reached their destination and I'm still hustling 😱
I can get kicked out at anytime. Game over. 

It's like the producer disappeared. The last time we talked, he was very energetic. "If I call you, this means the song is done", he said enthusiastically. It's almost three weeks now with no movement. I sent him a message today but got no reply. I'll call him tomorrow.
I know there is nothing wrong, and I'm hoping the outcome is worth the wait. But it's cold here in the train station.

The question that worries me the most is "What will I do if I don't make it?"

The most important thing is to take it lightly. Smile 😀

I read in an article today, that if you bought $100 worth of bitcoin in 2010, it would be equivalent to 72.9 MILLION DOLLARS today 😳 That's a great reason to invent a time machine. Where is the Delorean when you need it.

I'm so happy I was born in the time I was born. 1973. That's a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
I got to grow up in the eighties and the nineties. I got to see the revolution.

I can't imagine myself in the dark ages or the wild west. I can't imagine myself growing up in a world with no electricity, no cars, no easy food, no clean bathroom. Life would've been very hard and very uncomfortable. It's crazy that some tribes still live like that....Come to think of it, some refugees and people displaced by disasters could be going through worse right now.
When you don't know something, it's easier, than when you know it and it's gone.

I remember in eighth grade, one of the kids in my class had a handwritten booklet, full of song lyrics. That was a treasure. I was one of the lucky few who was able to borrow it. I spent a couple of nights copying the lyrics. Thank God for Google 😜

Google was not around in 1996, the first time I got on the internet. The first site I ever visited was about studying in Norway. The reason I chose this site is another story. 
To access the internet, I had to setup a meeting with a friend, who worked in the government, in communication, to access it from his office.  I remember us talking and passing the time while the one page, black and white website loaded 😴 We celebrated when it finally loaded.
Now when my DSL connection goes down for a few hours, I feel isolated and depressed 😒

I wish I can be around when they discover reverse aging. That would be glorious.
We're on the brink of a medical revolution right now. There is a new technique called CRISPR that's revolutionizing genome editing. It's only five years old. Man has been given a new toy to tinker and develop further. Think of the internet at it's birth. Think of the possibilities. Would we see crocodile man or Leopard girl in a hundred years? Nothing is impossible. 
I'm sure somewhere right now, in a government facility, somebody is trying something.

The whole idea is, would we be around in a 100 years? I hope so. We'll probably very different.... Scratch that...We'll always be the same. As long as we have emotions, we'll always be humans. Humans love, hate, fear, hope, fight, disagree...I hope love reigns.

It would be cool though if someday we can order gene changes like choosing food from a menu.
I'd choose "reverse aging", not anti-aging, I aged already 😩 I need "reverse aging" that would stop at age 23. I don't want to be Benjamin Button. Also, I'd order a cider of "not getting fat ever again". I'm sure "disease resistance" will be compliment of the chef.


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