"It's time to be relentless. It's time to play ball."

I wrote this on my Facebook page's wall.
I'm trying to keep the page afloat but I'm running out of ideas 😒
As long as I'm not spending on Facebook ads, the page is a dead town. "Ravenholm" for people who played Half Life 2; one of the best first person shooters ever made, by the way.

I get a like or two, out of the blue, every week and no interaction on posts.
Also, I have to admit that the page is getting kinda stale. Just uploading lyrics doesn't cut it. People want at least to see photos every now and then.... "I'm an artist, where is my music?"😫
Keeping up a page with interesting stuff regularly is not easy and I haven't been giving it the same attention as before.

I researched the word "Relentless" before I published the post to make sure it described what I wanted to convene.

Here is an excerpt from Vocabulary.com

When you're relentless about something, you mean business. You're not stopping until you get what you want, and you're not taking "no" for an answer. People might try to steer you from your goal, but you have eyes only for the prize and they're just going to have to get out of your way.

This is the part I liked 😃 It describes exactly what I want.
Oh how I wish I can be relentless 😂 I'm just anxious 😬

I'm working on so many things right now, I feel overwhelmed. Not overwhelmed, but afraid that I won't be giving all their due, cause sometimes I'm lazy.
Music comes first off course, but music is the least of my worries. I meet the producer once a week in a convenient time and that's about it. I dream of how wonderful it would be if I can make music everyday. I see myself in a studio with creative enthusiastic people just creating music. We're making music because we love it, not because money. I believe that if you truly have passion about something you will create something great.

But belief is not reality, and that is why I'm trying so many things at one time. Things that I do because I have to. Things that can bring income. They're all in the starting phases and so many, I predict will fail. Alas 😋 that's life.
Here is an excerpt from my life. "Promising, promising, promising"...."Fail, fail, fail". Repeat.
I'm starting to think that I have something to do with it 😂

I was going to forget the most important thing. The song.

I met with the producer on Saturday. We laid down the vocals and some harmonies, and I got to hear the second half of the song.
When I got back home I took a listen and, man, does the course suck 😱
There is something not right with the first four lines of the first verse. The second verse sounds really good. But, man, does the course suck 😩

Next day, I had a heated argument with the producer on the phone. He got offended because, maybe I was too theatrical. I told him "I have bad news and good news". The bad news is that "I can't move forward until I'm convinced with the chorus." Maybe I didn't explain myself right or maybe I projected that he did a bad job, but that was not my intention. The irony here is that I started this way because I was trying not to offend him 😂 He wasn't comfortable giving me the track from the start and asked me "do you want it like this?"

Anyway, he replied with all the right reasons that I knew of. "I know this is a very bad mix. I know there is so many layers that are on top of each other that we won't use". "I know I can't see the total picture like you do" but man, does the course suck 😴

To be honest, all of the above is true but what worries me the most, and made me halt, is that the problem could be with the chorus its self, with the melody. I have to see where the problem lies before I proceed.

I apologized for offending him and asked that we sit another sitting, so I can get comfortable before we move on. I don't want to move like this and then find at the end the miserable finale.
To his credit and my good luck, I feel Mostafa, the producer, is more invested in this song. He is really trying to help out plus we are starting to be friends.

The marketing company should start tomorrow to do it's thing. My partner didn't send them their fees yet, so I don't know what will happen. I trust my partner will send the money within the week so I'll email them and see what's the plan.


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