The first meaningful comment I get from abroad. Thank you LeTang...

...When I first got the email from YouTube that my channel has a "new comment", I assumed it was from my Arabic channel "Scoop".... Music Theory is a dead zone 😂😭

I opened the email and started reading. Only after I read the comment did I realize that this is actually for Music Theory 😵

I was feeling ecstatic. I was over the sky. It was an amazing feeling.
In those brief moments, while I was reading this comment...this rush that came over, reminded me why it's worth it...

If I can affect someone...even 0.0000000001. That is amazing.

That is why I try. That is why I cry 😪

"Prom Gum" was supposed to be my last attempt, but look at me at it again...developing four songs at the same time 😱

Maybe none will come out...hopefully they come out...preying they be heard 😆


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