Oh my God it's happening 😳
What can I do I'm panicking 😱
I know it was gonna be challenging 😷
But I thought I was good at managing 😶
This is the time to be steady 😐
Come on, bring it on. I'm ready 😎
I trimmed my beard for the telly 😚
And I gladly accept the Grammy 😂
I wonder if I will ever write this truly. I hope. It would be fun.
I had a bad nightmare yesterday. I can't remember most of the dream, but here is what I remember.
I was sleeping at someone's house. Probably a friend. I was under the cover, like I when I slept. I knew I was alone in the house, but then I hear movement all around me, beside the bed 😨
I start to feel goosebumps and chills all over me, turned up to fifteen. My hair was standing like a frightened hedgehog. Apparently, I decided to face what ever is behind the covers 😈
When I tried to get up. The cover was so wrapped tight around me, I couldn't left my head up.
Thank God, my brain started reasoning. That this is unnatural. I was sleeping at home yesterday. This is not my bed. I don't know if its fear or the reasoning, but I'm so happy to be able to open my eyes and lift up that cover.
Talking about dreams, I think I should also mention one of my best dreams.
I got to fly in my dreams many times during my life. Its always a great feeling. But it was always part of a dream where other things are happening. There was always this feeling while I'm flying that this is a dream.
Except this one time. Wow. I was flying. I did nothing except flying.
I would dive so fast, I could feel the wind in my face and the speed of my descent. I was free. There was nothing to stop me. Beautiful blue sky and white majestic clouds all around me. I would tear through the clouds and soar above them to soak the warmth of the Sun. I was euphoria. I was flying.
The funny thing is during that time, my life was not in a certain position where I would say "Yes, this is a reflection of my consciousness". Just normal good ol' life day. Somehow I had this dream and it was awesome.
I'm nervous about the song. I don't want to get into argument territory. I hope I'm amazed when I hear the production. That would be so comforting and relaxing.
My wife's brother works in a Startup. He's preparing for a marketing campaign. I asked him how much it's gonna cost to do the shoot. I wanted to get a feel of the prices in the market. I wish I didn't 😱
A two day indoor shoot is 500,000 Egyptian pounds. Yes, I can't do the idea that I have in my mind. It's now in the realm of the fairies. I'm even thinking to scrap Egypt all together. I can get better service outside at a much cheaper price. Innovation. Innovation. I need to be creative 😩
What can I do I'm panicking 😱
I know it was gonna be challenging 😷
But I thought I was good at managing 😶
This is the time to be steady 😐
Come on, bring it on. I'm ready 😎
I trimmed my beard for the telly 😚
And I gladly accept the Grammy 😂
I wonder if I will ever write this truly. I hope. It would be fun.
I had a bad nightmare yesterday. I can't remember most of the dream, but here is what I remember.
I was sleeping at someone's house. Probably a friend. I was under the cover, like I when I slept. I knew I was alone in the house, but then I hear movement all around me, beside the bed 😨
I start to feel goosebumps and chills all over me, turned up to fifteen. My hair was standing like a frightened hedgehog. Apparently, I decided to face what ever is behind the covers 😈
When I tried to get up. The cover was so wrapped tight around me, I couldn't left my head up.
Thank God, my brain started reasoning. That this is unnatural. I was sleeping at home yesterday. This is not my bed. I don't know if its fear or the reasoning, but I'm so happy to be able to open my eyes and lift up that cover.
Talking about dreams, I think I should also mention one of my best dreams.
I got to fly in my dreams many times during my life. Its always a great feeling. But it was always part of a dream where other things are happening. There was always this feeling while I'm flying that this is a dream.
Except this one time. Wow. I was flying. I did nothing except flying.
I would dive so fast, I could feel the wind in my face and the speed of my descent. I was free. There was nothing to stop me. Beautiful blue sky and white majestic clouds all around me. I would tear through the clouds and soar above them to soak the warmth of the Sun. I was euphoria. I was flying.
The funny thing is during that time, my life was not in a certain position where I would say "Yes, this is a reflection of my consciousness". Just normal good ol' life day. Somehow I had this dream and it was awesome.
I'm nervous about the song. I don't want to get into argument territory. I hope I'm amazed when I hear the production. That would be so comforting and relaxing.
My wife's brother works in a Startup. He's preparing for a marketing campaign. I asked him how much it's gonna cost to do the shoot. I wanted to get a feel of the prices in the market. I wish I didn't 😱
A two day indoor shoot is 500,000 Egyptian pounds. Yes, I can't do the idea that I have in my mind. It's now in the realm of the fairies. I'm even thinking to scrap Egypt all together. I can get better service outside at a much cheaper price. Innovation. Innovation. I need to be creative 😩
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