Back to life. Back to reality... Still alive and kicking...Still dreaming....still having my doubts....still didn't finish the song 😂 But almost...In the mixing stage !! Won't write much today. I wrote a lot the past few weeks... but apparently I was writing in another alternate dimension because there is nothing here... Saw the trailer for Ready Player One and was blown away...I hope the film has substance and not just dazzle. I have high hopes because its Steven Spielberg after all... So don't go nowhere...stay here...wait for me.....and I will set you free 😋
Showing posts from 2017
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"Glory of Love" ...Oh...those were the days... This is my favorite song of all time. I know it's a corny song by today's standards but it still plays on my heart. It reminds me of a boy who had so many dreams. The future so bright ahead. A boy who knew he could conquer the world. The road is still in its beginning. I couldn't wait to break free and fly high. Little did I know how life could be different than the dream. I wish I could go back to that boy again. Where is the time machine when you need one 😕 Let me start from the start... My earliest memories of music was when I was probably five or six. It was disco time. Boney M and Abba was all the rage. I can't remember specifics but I knew my parents listened to music. I think "Stayin' Alive" was one of my standout hits. My first real connection with a song was in 1980. We were in the States. During that time, I got a huge dose of music. ...
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So... My Macbook broke down again. Now I have the most expensive paper weight 😂😭😭 I called the person who fixed it. He promised to give me back my money if it broke down within one month but it looks like he's trying to find a way to get out of paying me back 😲 Deep inside I knew something like this could happen but not that soon. I'm glad though it happened this soon or I wouldn't have been comfortable asking him for my money. After all there is no guarantees in technology, especially hacked ones. Lets see how this story develops... For now, I think it's now confirmed, I have to buy another laptop. I'll go with a PC laptop. I can't afford a mac. Macbooks cost around 45,000 LE 😱 I might have found someone in Egypt to sing the song. This is good news. He is a talented, signed singer. He liked the song very much and said that he would love to do it. Off course he had to get permission from his Label. Luckily they approved. My current producer will send...
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What's going on ??? Another terrorist attack in England. I can't believe the amount of hate and rage that would let people do things like this. Where is compassion? Where is humanity? Where is logic? Ramadan is supposed to be a month of peace, spirituality and reflection. Time to be good, generous and forgiving. Where is any of this? It's like all hell broke loose. How do these twisted minds operate? What is their reasoning? When is enough? Off course all these are rhetorical questions. There are no answers that can explain or validate these evil deeds. In the US, a white supremacist guy killed two people who stood to his taunting of a Muslim girl, and her African American friend. These two heroes were not Muslims. They didn't have to do what they did, but they did it anyway. They did it because it's the right thing to do. Hate doesn't care about race or religion. Hate is blind. It's doesn't matter who you are or where you came from. It definite...
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"Road is dark and so scary. The rewards legendary" Disappointment 😟 I was gonna write "disappointment" three times but after hearing the song a couple of times, I'm just gonna keep it at only one. Hearing the song with the producer I was taken back. I didn't know what to say. It seemed he put a lot of effort on the song. I didn't want to pass my dissatisfaction to him. It was a good move since I feel a little better now. Why did I feel disappointed? I hoped I would be taken back but in a good way. After all, it's been almost a month. I had a couple of things that I was wishing for, but they weren't there. I wished for a great drop (musical Hook). I wished all the vocals would fall in place and I would only be amazed. Tough luck. I'm gonna stick with my old drop. The new drop is not bad but I like the one I have right now. He has a point on why he approached it this way and I understand it, but I guess I'll have to settle for the o...
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Look at this pendulum. See how beautiful it is. Can you feel it going back and forth. The sound is so soothing and relaxing. Tick. Tock. You feel you loosen up as your heart beats. Can you feel the tingling in your fingers. Your eyelids getting heavier. Relax. You're going into a deep trance. You can't open your eyes. Surrender to the tranquility.... When I write "song", you will do as I say... "Song" You love my song too much, it's aching. You want to get it and listen to it over and over again. You want to share it with all your friends. I won't let you suffer any longer. Go buy it. Now all I need is to share this blog with a million people. That could work 😈 The problem is reaching one million people. That is the actual problem. I bet if I can reach half of this number, I wouldn't have to use my hypnotic power to seduce people to do my bid 😂 I was never a convincing person. I have a hard time selling myself. Confidence have a ...
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Ramadan is here... Instead of wishing a Happy Ramadan and sharing a photo of a lantern, I can't help but be sad for all the violence that happened a few days ago in United Kingdom and today in Egypt. People are entering Ramadan mourning their loved ones, some are mourning the death of their kids. This is heart breaking. No matter how sad or upset I am, I know it will never compare to people who are actually going through this right now. God save us and protect us all. It is crazy to think that right now, at this moment, someone around the world is getting married. Someone is having sex. Someone is having a baby. A baby is taking his first steps. Someone is dying. Someone is delivered bad news. Someone is crying "Help Me!" We are all living in this crazy, up and down world, never knowing, never controlling, just hoping for the better. So...Ramadan is one of the greatest and hardest months of the year. It's time to be spiritual, good and giving. It is also very h...
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My condolences to everyone in Manchester, UK and the whole world. The most terrible and devastating news. I'm sorry for your loss... There are no words that can reflect my sorrow, anger and pain. I'm so sorry for your loss... United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May said "We struggle to comprehend the warped and twisted mind that sees a room packed with young children not as a scene to be cherished but as an opportunity for carnage," So true...
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Vital Correlation is the culmination of cultivated unison, derived by the revered acquaintance of an extravagant soul. You know what I mean? Neither do I 😂 Yep. It's that time again. I'm just standing still. I feel like someone in a train station, hoping for a train to come, to take me to my destination. The problem is, I've been waiting for too long and everyone I know hopped on. Most reached their destination and I'm still hustling 😱 I can get kicked out at anytime. Game over. It's like the producer disappeared. The last time we talked, he was very energetic. "If I call you, this means the song is done", he said enthusiastically. It's almost three weeks now with no movement. I sent him a message today but got no reply. I'll call him tomorrow. I know there is nothing wrong, and I'm hoping the outcome is worth the wait. But it's cold here in the train station. The question that worries me the most is "What wil...
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"May God protect us" "May God make things easy" I use these two phrases a lot. In arabic off course. "May God protect us" in arabic = "Rabena Yostor" (more or less) "May God make things easy" in arabic = "Rabena Yessahel" These two phrases are common phrases. Everybody says them, but I think I use them too much....Actually I wish I could use them more all the time 😌 Sometimes God wants to assure me that he's beside me and that he's got my back. I always believed in that. I always felt lucky. No matter the situation I get myself into, God always lends a helping hand in the right time. I'm blessed. I don't have a number one hit yet. I'm not a billionaire and there is still so many things that I want. But what happened last Thursday, reminded me that I'm not alone. To tell this story, I have to start from the start, so bear with...😬 When I write, I write my point of view...
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Amazing Confusion. I finally got the art I planned to share a couple of days ago. I think I did this around 2002-2005. I was in the States at that time. I was on a student Visa, working on my green card. 9/11 had happened and nothing was certain. I was trying to make it back then, also. That's the reason I went to the States in the first place. I wanted to make music and movies. Tough break though 👌 It didn't happen. But I learnt. The States is like a dream now. An awesome but very hectic dream. I really miss it. I wouldn't be here right now without my previous experiences. The question here is "Will my experiences make a difference or would I still be stupid?" 😂 I know the art is simple, but I like it. I see artists on the internet right now and I'm flabbergasted. Some people are really, really gifted. This art was one of six or seven pieces of art that followed the same idea. A collection of black and white abstracts that I would nam...
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I wish I was able to put out a new piece of music with every blog. A free jam session. A snippet of a song in development. That would be awesome. But since I only have lyrics and melodies. Taking any step in music is costly. To output anything decent, I have to hire somebody. It's true that sometimes I lay my ideas on Garageband , but it's something you don't want to hear 😬 Here are some T-shirt designs that I did a while back, around mid 2000's. They're ok. This is not the graphic art I wanted to share yesterday but I'm just trying to keep the audience engaged. A breakdown of my audience right now: • Few people from the PR company: I wanna thank them for their time and efforts. Sincerely. • The spirits: I also wanna thank them for their time, although I know they have all the time in the world 😉 "Spirits, I know you are trying to leave positive comments but frustrated because your fingers are going through the keyboards. You c...
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My plan was to start today's blog with a graphic art I did a while ago. However, the external Hard Drive won't boot. Stupid hard disk 😡 Yes, when everything else fails. You can put a picture of a cute cat and dog. Everybody loves that. I got a great idea... It might actually work since I'm Muslim. My name is Ahmed. And I'm Egyptian. Also, I haven't shaved in a couple of weeks, so that's a plus. I could kidnap a famous person... Someone important... Definitely the media would cover that. When they ask for my demands, I'll demand that my song gets downloaded at least a million times. People should buy it, not the government in bulk. This might actually work 😝 I like the more dramatic ending... I'm cornered in Starbucks (Not a Sponsor) with the celebrity. We're having Latte. Swat team closes in, demanding my surrender. There is a media frenzy outside. People gathered around their TVs. As I put my hand in my pocket...T...
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Wow 😱... I wanted to do some research on how I can promote my blog. I want it to get it out there. I'm trying everything.."I can".. to get people to listen to my music. Off course I knew I'll find a ton of information. We live in the internet age now. However something struck me like hammer on the head....Here is what real blogs look like. I feel like a kindergarten kid looking at college jockeys and cheerleaders. I think what I'm doing should just be called "blo" without the "g". It doesn't qualify yet 😂😭 Anyhow, here are two great links for people who want to promote their blogs: (I didn't do much search. These were my first finds. First page on Google) When you read them, please share with me, since I only scrolled through the documents, with my mouth ...
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"It's time to be relentless. It's time to play ball." I wrote this on my Facebook page's wall. I'm trying to keep the page afloat but I'm running out of ideas 😒 As long as I'm not spending on Facebook ads, the page is a dead town. "Ravenholm" for people who played Half Life 2; one of the best first person shooters ever made, by the way. I get a like or two, out of the blue, every week and no interaction on posts. Also, I have to admit that the page is getting kinda stale. Just uploading lyrics doesn't cut it. People want at least to see photos every now and then.... "I'm an artist, where is my music?"😫 Keeping up a page with interesting stuff regularly is not easy and I haven't been giving it the same attention as before. I researched the word "Relentless" before I published the post to make sure it described what I wanted to convene. Here is an excerpt from ( https://www.vocabular...
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I saw this match live. I was in Qatar pretending to be a manager 😉 I managed an advertising company, and later a LED startup as well. The two companies were just divisions in a multi billion holding company. They had business in retail, real estate, transportation, Travel, etc. It's a family business. The Managing Director was a very decent and respectable man. I had almost full power and authority over the companies I managed. The Advertising company is a success and the LED company ended miserably 😫 But let me tell you about my first day in Qatar 😱 The start was good. After landing and while standing in line for immigration and customs, I saw a Qatari man (or he looked Qatari) holding a sign with my name on it. When I told him it was me, he asked me to get out of the line, he took my passport and escorted me to a helper to pick up my luggage. Everything went so smooth. It was very cool. I learnt later that it's a service that you can buy at the ...
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It's done. I sent the email to the marketing company today. I better delete everything and hide the evidence 😜 Up until now, this blog was a secret. Now I'm taking the plunge and hoping people would buy my nonsense. By the end of this week someone (From the marketing company) might be reading this , so I should say "Hello.....My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."😝 It took me a while to send the mail today. "I will smoke this cigarette and then do it." "I'm thirsty, let me drink something first." I was finding ways to postpone pressing the "Send" button. "Sending" means its done. I'm out there. I don't fear rejection, I can take it. I'll live. It's the fear that it will be harder for me to do what I love as a result. I'm not talking just about me as a person but also my music. People might like me but hate my music and vice versa. They can also hate both ...
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"Chasing Unicorns" They call a privately owned company that crosses one billion in valuation a "Unicorn". In my song, I'm chasing unicorns with an "S" 😋 Well..I'm almost at one dollar. Actually "Chasing Unicorns" means chasing what's mystical and unreal. This song came out of nowhere. I didn't have it in my timeline. It wasn't written. Here is how it came about. I had already finished my work on "Down the Aisle" and I was getting ready to release the video and unleash the song to the world (Emoji bitting his nails)...But there was also a sense of hope that people would embrace the video and share it. The moment of truth. February 14, 2017. Valentine's day. A perfect day for the song. I started marketing on Facebook and Youtube. My target, English speaking countries. As the days went by nothing happened 😳 I had no reach. I saw my budget spent and my hopes crumbling down. I remember I was staring a...
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Just a nice photo... So far I have 8 Spotify streams, 3 Apple Music streams, one Deezer stream (Who is Deezer?) and one iTunes download. This amounts to around $ 0.66. I also collected around $ 0.24 from Youtube ads. I'm almost at a dollar. 999,000 to go 😂. If things stay this way, I have to pay a billion to make a million 😴 If I ever make it, I will give my first fan, from New Zealand all my coming music for free. Yes, my first download is from New Zealand. I love this country. I started filling the questionnaire that the Promotion company sent me. I'm either going to be the hardest client they worked with or the easiest. I'll leave most of the questions they sent me empty. Not for being lazy but I have nothing to say 😔 Here are some examples: -- Anywhere you will be performing? No.. -- Twitter, Instagram? Nada.. -- Any Acts you have toured with? 0.. -- Any Radio/TV support? In your dreams.. -- Torso Images? 😳 As you can see I'm ve...